What to Wear on a Boat Trip

Benefits of Boating

Boating has some incredible health benefits, and it’s also a lot of fun. A trip on a boat offers the opportunity to see our world from a different perspective, as well as the possibility to see some beautiful wildlife like whales, dolphins and sea birds.

Because life on the water is an unusual experience for most of us, we’re not always sure about the practicalities – like what we should wear. So if you’re setting off on a boat trip, or just dreaming about it, we’ve got some useful tips for you on how you can stay stylish and comfortable while on board.

Different Types of Boat Trip

The type of boat trip you’re heading out on influences what you might choose to wear. Here are a few types of boat trips that you might experience:

  • Sightseeing tour
  • Wildlife spotting
  • Sea fishing
  • Canal tour
  • Cruise

What to Wear While Boating

Obviously, the clothes you take on your boat trip are going to depend on the type of trip! Before you embark, think about where you’ll be going on the trip, how long you’ll be on board for, and what kind of weather you should expect.

If you’re going out to sea, make sure you have a warm jumper and waterproof coat with you – even if the sun is shining! It can be cold, wet, and windy out there and you don’t want to be taken by surprise. A hat to keep the strong sun off will be helpful, and sunglasses are a must to keep the glare out of your eyes. Oh, and don’t forget the sun block, the sun can be intense out there!

For an inland trip, dress appropriately for the weather. It can still be very windy on large bodies of water like lakes, so remember to take something warm, even if you don’t think you’ll need it.

Wherever you’re going, flat shoes are a good idea!

Staying Stylish Onboard

In these days of Instagram, we all want to look our best when we’re on an adventure. A boat trip is no exception! To make sure you look stylish in your boat trip photos, stick to classic items without fussy details. Visit https://www.na-kd.com/en to get some inspiration – pale colours and neutrals look great against the blue sea and sky! Accessorise with a hat and killer shades, and you’ll look amazing!

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